Developer Toolbox Topics Relative to
Public/ShareWare/CopyLeft Src

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This document presents all materials related to the topic of
Public/ShareWare/CopyLeft Source on the Toolbox

People have expressed concerns regarding "but what happened to the tons of src you had in the public tree up thru v4.2--aren't you going to still include this type of software???". Fear not consumer-of-the-Toolbox. YES, this area of the DT is still an integral part of the Toolbox treasure-trove.

At this point-in-time, early April, 1996, the public subtree is beginning to be revitalized to a significant degree. We now have the complete issue of the Silicon Graphics Freeware Versions 1.0 and 2.0 releases on board. And, we still are intending to also re-populate as much as possible of the software last seen here in the v4.2 time-frame, with the current forms of same. Anything else you'd like to see here, puh-leeze send words.


    Copyright © 1995-96, Silicon Graphics, Inc.